
Perguntas que possivelmente podem cair no dia da entrevista.

~ Aqui vou postar algumas perguntas que geralmente os entrevistadores fazem, vou tomar por base da minha entrevista, então vocês adaptem a cada necessidade ou posição que vão aplicar.

 Why would like to work in a cruise ship ? 

* Why I should select you?

 * Have you been on a hard job before?

* What does your family think about this idea ?

 * What do you know about life onboard? 

* What are you doing at the present time ?

 * Talk about your previous experience.

* How was your daily routine at your previous work?

 * What is the difference between brandy and Cognac?

* What's the difference between Champagne and Espumante?

 * Where is champagne made​​?

* Tell me the name of 5 international vodkas.

 * If you are going to serve a table, and the ship begins to rock and have no               where to put the tray with you about to fall, what do you do?

* What are the ingredients of Bloody Mary?

 * What drink do you serve after dinner?

* What you offer to drink a couple in the disco from the ship?

 *  What are the ingredients of Mojito?

* What is Garnish?

Dicas para entrevista:
- Sorria
- Demonstre vontade
- Motivação
- Objetivo a longo prazo (carreira)
- Outgoing
-Estude antes de fazer a entrevista
- Cuidado com os gestos.

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